Currently 18 people are directly part of the LATINBROKER Group concentrating more than half of the executives in our Headquarters in Montevideo, since from Uruguay we provide the services of quotation, placement, issuance of documentation, accounting and finance, reserving our offices abroad for permanent personal contact with our clients.

We also carry out this activity in our Uruguayan market from our company dedicated exclusively to Uruguay, Latinbroker S.A., where the commercial attention to our clients and the administration of the management are combined in the same company.

Likewise, the globalization of this 21st century knows no borders, and a team that has worked together for as many years as ours, is in permanent contact and everyone in the LATINBROKER Group is available to collaborate with our clients, whether they are Insurance or Reinsurance Companies or Colleagues, in all the countries in which we operate.


LATINBROKER, with headquarters in Montevideo, Uruguay and commercial offices in Buenos Aires and Asunción, was founded in May 1976 with the purpose of developing reinsurance business between Latin American countries and the rest of the world. In 45 years of activity, we have witnessed regional and global transformations in the reinsurance market, to which we dedicate ourselves exclusively, adapting to circumstances and growing in the process. Over time and expansion, Latinbroker S.A. has developed the LATINBROKER Group with Headquarters in Uruguay as follows:

  • LATINBROKER S.A. dedicated exclusively to reinsurance for Uruguayan source
  • LATINBROKER INTERNACIONAL Z.F.S.A. dedicated exclusively to international reinsurance and also provides services, in all respects, to the regional representative offices in Argentina and Paraguay.


In Argentina, almost since our foundation in 1976, we have been physically present with an office and representatives, directly attending to the requirements of our clients.

We have remained in step with its history, adapting and accompanying the ups and downs of the economy in general and the insurance and reinsurance market in particular; witnesses of deregulation, regulation and deregulation again of the reinsurance market.

Our local office provides a direct and personal commercial service to Argentine Insurers, supported by technical, quotation, placement and administration support from our Headquarters in Uruguay.


In Paraguay, for more than 25 years we have been physically installed with our manager José Colmán at the head of our team, consolidating our position in this market.

The staff of our Asunción office, with direct and deep knowledge of our clients, provides a fast and comprehensive advisory service to the best positioned companies of the Paraguayan market.

Our local office provides a direct and personal commercial service to Paraguayan Insurers, supported by technical, quotation, placement and administration support from our Headquarters in Uruguay.